Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Duh! Krisis Eropa Paksa Ekspor Stagnan

Pengamat ekonomi, Aviliani mengatakan, penerimaan negara dari ekspor berpotensi terganggu dengan belum tuntasnya krisis Eropa. "Paling cuma stagnan saja terhadap ekspor. Berarti kita tidak akan meningkat mendasar dari pendapatan," ujarnya di Jakarta, Selasa (18/10).

Menurutnya, kemungkinan terjadinya gagal bayar (default) pada negara-negara maju di Eropa dan AS sangat minim. Pasalnya, negara-negara tersebut akan mencari solusi untuk bisa keluar dari krisis.

"Kalau saya lihat AS dan eropa tidak mungkin mau default gitu saja, mereka akan terus bersaing untuk bertahan. Sehingga nantinya kita mungkin hanya akan merasakan krisis yang kecil-kecil," tuturnya.

Sebagai solusi, lanjutnya, pemerintah harus menggenjot pertumbuhan infrastrukur agar pertumbuhan ekonomi tidak terlalu bergantung pada ekspor.

"Sehingga stagnasi dari ekspor ini yang harus kita hadapi yaitu dengan cara gimana infrastruktur ini dibangun, kemudian penyerapan tenaga kerja baru. Kalau stagnasi, kan berarti tidak ada penyerapan tenaga kerja baru kan," tandasnya.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Going Green Mission With Kapuk Fiber

As awareness of global warming and other environmental problems grows, companies are realizing the need to have their own going green mission statement. Green mission statements describe the principles the company is striving to adhere to and may also outline some objectives to reach their goals. Sometimes it helps to start with a generic green mission statement, which will leave room for customization in the future. Here is an example of a going green mission statement that we recommend as a starting point. Keep in mind that you can have your own mission statement custom printed on these eco-friendly signs made from recycled plastic.
Here is what the environmental mission statement reads:
We are dedicated to contributing to a sustainable future for our planet through:
Commitment to the 3 “R’s”
Reduce consumption, waste and pollution
Reuse what we have
Recycle everything we can
Conserving energy, water, and other natural resources
Compliance with all enviornmental regulations
Striving to buy, sell, and use environmentally friendly products
Educating employees, customers and other businesses
Together we can make a difference…
Another way to simply reinforce the commitment your company has made to the environment is this sign that reads “We Support a Greener Work Environment”.